Colourful Twin Newborn Photography in Kingston ON Studio

If you’ve been a client or fan of my work for the past 11 years you’ll know that I love bright, bold, beautiful colour!!! It just makes me happy but I know it’s not for everyone. Thankfully, Jeremy and Johan’s Mama loved bright & bold colour too! You can find out more about how to choose your colour palette for your newborn portraits by heading over to the Newborn Colour Palette Choices page.

These twin boys were the sweetest little guys and I just loved how one was pretty calm and sleepy and the other one was awake and feisty! Showing their personalities already!!

Take a look at some of the bold colours we used during their twin newborn photoshoot in our studio. We started with this beautiful mustard yellow and turquoise blue set that had that bold colour Mama was looking for! Of course, like many twin photography sessions we can’t guarantee that both babies will be sleeping at the same time. Mama loved the image with the soother kept in because it was just so typical of their daily life!! I absolutely love it - it’s so real! Plus you can really see the size difference between the two boys in this portrait!

Big sisters were looking like twins themselves with their adorable blush pink velvet dresses on for their sibling portraits. They were so helpful and you could tell them were in love with their baby brothers right away! We got a couple of different variations of their sibling portraits but this one was my favourite as it’s just so sweet!

Back to some more bold colour choices, continuing the theme of a bit of a Fall Colour Palette for these twin boys! This orange blanket was perfect against their skin tone and I loved pairing it with more mustard yellow, turquoise, orange and teals to give both twin boys their own individual portraits that were unique to them alone. We were lucky to have one be asleep and one be awake for their portraits which again showed their different personalities!

I’ve been eyeing this composite for a while and as soon as Mom told me what colours she wanted to work with for her twin newborn photoshoot I knew I HAD to buy it! It’s so fitting to match their bold, fall colours!

Someone was awake and feisty but I loved every expression he made!! So so adorable!

I know some parents really want their newborns to be asleep the whole newborn session but I think these wide awake portraits are some of my favourites! It’s so rare, that I think family’s are lucky when they get them. I personally love comparing the expressions my son made when he was a newborn to the ones he makes now as a 12 year old and I swear they are the same!!

I hope you enjoyed looking at how these colourful twin newborn photographs! I love when clients are not afraid to use bold colour choices and in the case of Jeremy and Johan the colours used were perfect with their skin tone! They are both such beautiful boys and I’m sure they are going to be the best of friends growing up!

Having a baby? If you are interested in learning more about our newborn photography sessions I would love for you to head on over to our Kingston Newborn Photography page or you can contact me directly using the contact form below.


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