Rainbow Baby - Honouring Your Loss and Embracing New Beginnings

The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is often filled with joy and anticipation. However, for some families, it is accompanied by heartbreak and loss. Pregnancy and infant loss can be a devastating experience, leaving parents grieving the loss of their unborn or newborn child. However, for some, amidst the darkness, there is hope—the arrival of a "rainbow baby." In our studio we think it’s important to honour the loss, and the beautiful way in which maternity and newborn photography can help celebrate new beginnings while remembering and cherishing the babies who are no longer with us.

We have found over the years that many family’s haven’t heard of the term Rainbow Baby (whether they have experienced a loss or not) and the ways we can honour the loss of their baby, so I wanted to help explain what a “rainbow baby” is and how I can help you incorporate the memory of your baby into your newborns photography session if you wish to. Whatever way you wish to mourn your loss is right for you, whether you incorporate something into this baby’s pictures or decide not to.

newborn girl in wrap in basket surrounded by rainbow macramé

Newborn girl in wrap in basket surrounded by rainbow macramé

Understanding Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Pregnancy loss refers to the heartbreaking experience of losing a baby before birth. This can occur through miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic pregnancy. Miscarriage refers to the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week, while stillbirth refers to the loss of a baby after the 20th week of pregnancy.

Rainbow Baby with rainbow wrap on baby lying on white blanket

Rainbow Baby with rainbow wrap on baby lying on white blanket

The Emotional Impact of Infant Loss

The loss of a newborn baby, whether it occurs shortly after birth or during the first year of life or later, is a profound and devastating experience for parents. It can evoke a range of emotions, including grief, sadness, guilt, and profound longing.

rainbow wrap on baby with rainbow bow headband on purple blanket

Rainbow wrap on baby with rainbow bow headband on purple blanket

Rainbow Babies: A Symbol of Hope

A rainbow baby is a term used to describe a baby born after a pregnancy or infant loss. Just as a rainbow appears after a storm, a rainbow baby brings hope and healing to parents who have experienced loss. The term "rainbow baby" acknowledges the profound grief of the previous loss while celebrating the arrival of a new life.

Baby boy in green wrap on jewel toned Rainbow wool fluff representing Rainbow Baby

Embracing the Journey

Rainbow babies bring a mix of emotions for parents. While they represent joy and new beginnings, they can also evoke memories and emotions associated with the loss. It is important to honor the journey, recognizing and acknowledging the baby who is no longer physically present, while embracing the hope and happiness that the rainbow baby brings. Some parents choose to acknowledge that baby during their newborns photography session, while others choose to keep the loss and joy separate. There is no right or wrong way to honour your baby and celebrate new life. Whichever way you decide is right for you.

newborn boy in white wrap in bowl with rainbow leaves around the bowl representing rainbow baby

Newborn boy in white wrap in bowl with rainbow coloured leaves representing Rainbow Baby

Honouring Loss through Maternity Photography

Maternity photography provides a way for families to document and commemorate the pregnancy journey. It allows parents to celebrate their growing bond with their unborn child and cherish the precious moments of anticipation. For families who have experienced loss, maternity photography can be a healing and empowering experience.

Pregnant Mother in Rainbow Skirt representing the loss of a baby

Pregnant Mother in Rainbow Skirt representing the loss of a baby

Creating Meaningful Keepsakes

To honor the loss while celebrating the arrival of a rainbow baby, incorporating meaningful elements into maternity photography can be a beautiful way to remember the baby who is no longer physically present. This can include including pictures, ultrasounds, stuffed animals, or other mementos that hold sentimental value. These keepsakes serve as a reminder of the love and connection that will forever be cherished.

Using Rainbow Colors

Infusing rainbow colors into maternity photography adds a symbolic touch. Incorporating these vibrant hues through clothing, props, or even lighting can be a powerful representation of hope, resilience, and the journey from darkness to light. The rainbow palette pays homage to both the loss and the arrival of the precious rainbow baby.

Mom in pink bodysuit with long train surrounded by a rainbow ribbons representing her Rainbow Baby

Newborn Photography: Capturing Rainbow Love

Newborn photography allows parents to capture the first precious moments of their rainbow baby's life. It is an opportunity to create stunning images that reflect the beauty and joy of this new chapter. The images become treasured keepsakes, reminding parents of the strength, resilience, and love that brought them through their journey of loss.

Rainbow Baby girl with butterfly's representing infant loss

Rainbow Baby girl with butterfly's representing infant loss

Special Composites and Symbolism

Incorporating special composites and symbolic elements into newborn photography can further honour the baby who is no longer with us. For example, a composite image can merge photos of the rainbow baby with images or elements representing the lost baby, serving as a visual representation of the connection between them.

newborn girl in brown wrap in bowl with second bowl representing loss of sibling twin

Newborn girl in brown wrap in bowl with second bowl empty representing loss of twin sibling

Mementos and Remembrance

Including mementos from the lost baby in newborn photography, such as photographs, ultrasounds, or stuffed animals, can create a poignant tribute. These items carry deep emotional significance and serve as a lasting memory of the baby who will forever hold a special place in the family's heart.

newborn girl with elephant representing baby twin loss

Newborn Girl in grey wrap on grey blanket with elephant stuffed animal representing loss of twin sibling

Rainbow Baby girl in rainbow wool fluff with bonnet

Rainbow Baby girl in rainbow wool fluff with bonnet

Rainbow babies bring renewed hope and joy to families who have experienced the pain of pregnancy or infant loss. Honoring the loss through maternity and newborn photography provides a meaningful way to remember and celebrate the baby who is no longer physically present, while embracing the new life that has entered the world. Through beautiful keepsake photography, families can weave a tapestry of love, remembrance, and hope, ensuring that both the loss and the rainbow baby are forever cherished and honored.

Booking Your Portrait Session

If you think you may be interested in booking a maternity or newborn session where we incorporate a rainbow element or personal item to represent your loss and hope for the future, please get in touch me. I am available to discuss ideas with you and come up with a plan to incorporate meaningful elements into your session. You can contact me through our Contact Page.

If you found this blog helpful please feel free to share it with friends and family that might want to incorporate something into their own Rainbow Baby Portrait Session.

Jennifer Willard is a Newborn, Maternity and Baby Photographer based out of Odessa, Ontario serving Kingston, Belleville, Brockville, Perth, Toronto, Ottawa and surrounding areas. She is a positive parenting type of mom, cool wife, bookworm, Pinterest addict, prop hoarder, board game fanatic, camping enthusiast and lover of colour!


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