MATERNITY AND NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHY - Baby Blake and her Gorgeous Mom Jordan

Oh the squish! This beautiful baby girl came into the studio with her Mom and Dad and I just loved creating beautiful sets for her in pinks and whites and purples. She was such a great sleeper! I was lucky enough to have met her Mom Jordan before Blake’s arrival because her Mom also came in for Maternity Photography!! I’ll be sure to share a few of those amazing photographs with you below. I am always so excited when I can celebrate the joy and anticipation with a Mother during her Maternity photography session in the studio. We have fun creating beautiful looks and I like to think it shows Mom’s just how gorgeous they are even if they are getting tired at the end of their pregnancy. Pregnancy is both a celebration of a woman becoming a Mom and of the new baby’s anticipated arrival. I believe both should be celebrated with Maternity and Newborn Photography. They both are keepsakes of a precious moment in time and will always be cherished.

Take a look at a few of Blake’s parents favourite portraits from our time together and check out how gorgeous Mom is at the end of this post!

Mom loved the Flower Bed from our portfolio and wanted it re-created for her beautiful girl in light pinks, creams and whites and I was more than happy to get to work putting it together the night before our photo session together. It often takes me 1-2 hours to put together newborn sets - it’s a lot of fun and I like to get everything just right. The thing about the Flower Bed set is it’s all put together by hand so it never looks exactly the same for each newborn photography session. I love the flowers I have sourced over the years and am always adding to my collection to change it up. Blake just snuggled right in there. Doesn’t she look like she’s dreaming away in such a peaceful place?

Blake looks so tiny in her Dad’s hands.

I love when clients incorporate something meaningful in their newborn photography. Dad is a big Eagles fan!

Here are a few favourites from Jordan’s Maternity Photography Session in the studio. The dresses and backdrops are provided by us and I think she looks stunning!!!!! Don’t you love her red hair paired with the green backdrop!

Are you looking for Maternity and Newborn Photography in the Kingston Ontario area? I’d love to chat with you about how we can create beautiful portraits that show off your baby bump in a flattering and beautiful way to celebrate this incredible time in your life! Then we can start planning for baby’s arrival! YEAH!! It’s always fun to think about a favourite colour palette to work with, an heirloom item to include, and speak about how I can capture that family connection and love! Be sure to check out our Newborn Photography page as well as our Maternity Photography page for more information about our studio, the sessions and packages available to you. If you have any questions at all please do get in touch - I’m happy to help!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this look into Blake Newborn Photography Session and Jordan’s Maternity Photography Session. They were so much fun to photograph and it was my privilege to create these lasting memories for them to cherish forever.


Maternity Photographer in Kingston Ontario
